
08.24.01-1:47 p.m.>

So I was just doing IMDB research on the cast of my favoritest TV show Six Feet Under.

And Rachel Griffiths the girl who plays Brenda...is fucking Australian !! SHES AUSTRALIAN. I HAD NO CLUE. She played Muriels best friend, the one in the wheel chair in Muriels Wedding. How did I not recognize her ?!?!?!


Its still really hot out. I wish I had something more interesting to talk about then the weather and how I hate it !!!

Ooooh, Im going to see Reggie and the Full Effect tomorrow @ CBGB's which in itself is kinda teensy weensy, but enjoyable.


HA, I just told my mom that I was on the phone last night long distance to Michigan for like two hours,eeeeek, she wasnt even that mad. So its all good. I was worried she was gonna kick my ass. Phew, I feel alot better having told her though.

I have off today, Im gonna clean. So my mom will be happy when she comes home.

I might even entertain the thought of cleaning my room

I saw Full Metal Jacket last night for the first time. That Stanley Kubrick, wow.