
08.26.01-12:07 p.m.>

Im still extremely tired and achy...

I should be at work, but I told Pete I was coming in late and he was OK with that.

I was scheduled at 2 mind you...but asked to come in at 10 as a favor, so I told him I had (insert lame excushere) and I couldnt be in until later.

Im a smart one.

Ok, so about last night...

My problem with shows are the politics...

Why is it ok for big sweaty boys to push in front of me without asking ? There's two inches of space he wants right in front of me that hes positive hes fitting into and BAM and Im knocked back three feet. What the fuck ? How is that ok ? How can you live with yourself after having done that to me ?

Its not ok, and I wanna make it known that if I got there an hour before you did, and Im standing in front of you dipshit, ITS NOT FUCKING OK, to push yourself in front of me just because you're bigger than me.



Even if you're shorter than me, and you ask nice, because hot rod is your fave and the guy standing in front of me is really hot ITS NOT FUCKING OK you space stealing shit.


And Im sick of it, and Im sick of people doing it. IT NEEDS TO END. Im calling for floor etiquette here and fucking now. DONT STEAL MY SPACE.

I need those three inches to rock out you slimy little bastards.

Im a rocker.

I rock out.

Please allow me some room to do so you limey space stealing so and so's.

Thank you !

*steps off soapbox*

..end transmission..