
08.31.01-9:44 p.m.>

I used to have a really large crush on Dave Holmes, like super big time, because

1- He loves Ben Folds 5

2- Generally has good taste in music

3- Is articulate

4- Seemingly friendly

5- He is really cute, just really cute

6- He was on idiot savants prior to becoming a VJ, and he kicked ASS with his obscure knowledge of 80's pop cheese.

7- He's just all adorable, I know he's old but I would totally makeout with Dave Holmes...cuteness !

Then I realized that he looks and sounds WAY too much like a friend of mine. And now I can never look at him without thinking about that person first.

What an upset.

Kinda like that time I told Lori "Hey doesnt Sean look like Rob Thomas" and now she shudders at even the mention of Matchbox 20, for reasons other than wanting to kick Rob Thomas in the teeth.

Oh its a friday night and I feel like crap.

While I'm talking about MTV, I feel that if Aaliyah didnt die so close to the VMA's her death would be a bigger deal on MTV.

But you dont have to take my word for it.

(dooo doooo dooo)

Butterfly in the skkkyyyyy.

Ok Im delirious.

Bye Bye Diary