
08.31.01-1:35 a.m.>

Thought about posting another list to girl/boy since its gone public. And I was one of the first ! Brah, I had a girl/boy list before there was a girl/boy thats how old skool I am kids.

But alas...instead, I will make a list of my own, no girl/boy forum needed.

I just want a boy who...

-Who knows his pop culture and wont look at me sideways when I start singing the theme from fraggle rock

-Who appreciates my tastes in music and will feel free to expose me to new bands on a regular basis, but understands that I dont need to be forcefed his opinions

-Who likes himself, and more importantly likes me. Isnt horribly self consciious.

-Who can deal with the fact that sometimes I just have days when I dont leave the house,or answer the phone, or even get dressed, or get out of bed for a while

-Who will drive when I dont want to

-Who will let me pick out the movies we rent

-Who will teach me something

-Who will be supportive. Who will help me when I ask him to, but not let me lean 100% of the time. Who will kick my ass when I need it

-Who will hold my hand

I think thats it