
09.07.01-11:14 a.m.>

Killer Clowns on DVD ?!?

I didnt think this would be a big deal, apparently lots of people enjoy this movie.

Or enough to warrant a pop ad in my hotmail.

Bloo !

Im all achy today, I seriously hope Im not getting sick.

I had this dream last night about this girl I was tight with in Middle School.

She was going away to school and apologizing for dumping me for the Marching Band.

Yea, at the time it stung a little, but people do grow apart,so I didnt mind. Or havent even given it thought since like 8th grade matter of factly.

Anyhows, she said "Why dont we go visit Gena, that might cheer you up ?"

and I said " Fakename-itty, you dont even know Gena, what are you talking about ?"

and she said "Oh Melissa, she was in Marching Band ! She played the Clarinet too !"

and I said "noooo you evil girl you are wrong, she is from our state capital, I assure"

and she said "Well fine then, I'll go visit her"

and I awoke thoroughly confused.

Oh subconscious why must your torment with these wacky ass dreams ?

Do you KNOW what I just realized ?

Tegan and Sara next Sat !!