
09.16.01-11:29 p.m.>

Things to do, before the watch stops....

(In no necessary order)

-Learn to play the guitar and the drums

-Write one good song.

-Start a punk rock band.

-Sit down with my cousins and tell them how "life works" and how much I love them, and how much they've enriched my life by just letting me be a big part of theirs

-Write a (hit) play

-Perform said play for people no matter how many

-Tell the people I've hurt that Im sorry

-Date a drummer

-Date a bassist

-Date more boys with glasses

-Date period.

-Learn how to frost cakes all fancy like. And make pretty cookies too.

-Pick out a good christmas tree again, and throw away the fake one, and decorate it all by myself.

-Visit Uncle Mike's Grave, and talk to him, about life since he's passed when I was 12 and the last time I visited his grave when I was 13.

-Visit Nana and Grandpa Herby's and give them a little update as well.

-Visit the West Coast, and Ireland.

-Meet all of the people I've become close to via the internet.

-Shake Lisa Loebs hand

-Lecture somewhere on the topic of depression.

-Fall in love

-Have children, many

-Write a book

-make out with Jack Black (foolish dream)

-play games,all sorts

(if you get that,you qualify as my new best friend)

-Take my brother to Sam Ash and buy him a guitar (a promise, I owe it)

-Track down my 8th grade crush

-Climb Trees

-Tap Dance

-Spend some solo time with my Grandma who lives in a Grampa Simpson-esque old folks home.

-Visit Canada

-Make peace with my father.

-Make peace with the suburb I dwell in.

-Go back to Vegas, and kick it, and come back and be ok and tell life that Im better than anything it can throw at me now

-Graduate SCHOOL.

-Teach, Reading to children

-Teach English to College Students

-Be a Children's Librarian, or open a Children's Bookstore.

-Write a Children's Book.

-Learn to quilt

-Learn to crochet

-Make a quilt for a baby

-And Crochet Blankets for my friends

-Pay Forward on all the good deeds done for me selflessly

I think thats about it.

Morbid, I know, but I was thinking, a girl's gotta have dreams, aspirations like.

In search of :

Volunteer to hold Chris Wylde down while I kick him squah in the teeth, then explain to him that he is not a cast member of American Pie, we're sorry Chris,you are NOT funny, and you are giving other boys your age a bad age. God help us all,give my brother a talk show ! He's FUNNY. You are NOT, you. are. not. Brain hurting. Must sleep.