
09.19.01-7:29 p.m.>

I've been had by the internet, well the radio, well my little brother.

Still, I've been had.

Boy Howdy, Let me explain.

in my last entry I posted a list of songs that are being suggested as having "sensitive subject material".

Due to the fact that my brother made mention of it, and I ran across it today in my morning reads.

Now I figured, my brother usually knows what the hell hes talking about.

Apparently he doesnt.

And Mikedoes.

Maybe I can trade my brother for Mike.

He seems to be a lot cleaner,and probably nicer smelling.

It'd be nice to have a brother whose sneakers we didnt have to leave out in the hall.

Moving on,

I dyed my hair a few days ago.

And its DARK.

Like really dark.

I didnt know how dark it was until I decided to stop and really LOOK at myself in the mirror yesterday.

Now Im extremely self conscious.

I feel like Robert Smith.

woe is mee.