
10.07.01-10:53 p.m.>

On the same day we received news of actual military action, I attended the memorial service of a dear friend of my mother. She worked on the 102nd of tower one. My mother hadnt spoken to her in a while. One of those on again/off again things. They had bowled together. She received word through a friend a few days ago.

They're giving out urns full of ash from the WTC to people who have lost loved ones. This tiny little urn. She was 32, my mother's friend. Just had a baby.

Enduring Freedom, comes at what price ?

Im sure I'll have recurring nightmares imagining it all in my head.

I dont know that I can stand anymore bloodshed on our side,on our soil.

I noticed alot of Police Officers in the city last night.

That didnt really make me feel any safer.


On lighters notes,(I know you're thinking, how can she POSSIBLY end this on a LIGHTER NOTE ?) Mates of State are touring with Anniversary/Superdrag. They have one date at the Bowery, and another right fucking HERE in Rockville Center. Do I really wanna go to these shows ? I donnnnt really like Superdrag all that much at all. eeeeeh. bleeeeh. The anniversary, ehhhhhhhhhh. But my newfound super group, I must see them. I probably wont, for reference, but I should.

One boy made a very good point last night at the show. Lots of bands that a have a sound based on keyboard nowadays are all "weee ooooo weee oooo weee oooo weee" and its like great....you found TWO keys, way to go. But Kori and James bring the rock in ways that are very different, yet oddly familiar, like something out of a video game. Maybe I dont know what Im talking about. I usually dont, infact.


Chris Wylde stills needs to be beat until he realizes....

1- He is NOT funny

2-He looks like Beaker from the Muppets.

He must be stopped.


This entry was all over the place.

Kinda like me today.

Im sorry