
10.13.01-10:10 p.m.>

So there was a party, and I think my brother was more confused than suprised.

There was ALSO a Bank Robbery in the middle of homecoming shennanigans on like "Main St" with like 400 people standing outside the bank.

Scary shit.

Every single one of my little cousins was here today, and then some.

My mom keeps asking me questions about "Who said this to John ?", or "Who gave what to John ?"

and I would REALLY like for her to realize that I am not the boy's secretary.

Homecoming invokes a feeling in me like I cant really verbalize. A feeling of blatant disgust quite frankly, mainly because...

1- There is no "Bulldog Pride" running through my veins. I am not proud to be from the white trashiest suburb on Long Island.

2-If I went away to school you couldnt PAY me to come back for a FOOTBALL game. Well you could pay me, but it would have to be a considerable sum of money and you probably would NOT be able to get me to watch the game because I hate football.

3-I hate this town, I hate this town, I fucking hate this town.

4-There are SO many people in this town I could generally go without seeing EVER again. Seriously, high school was four years long,and I totally had my fill by the time I was 16. Do I really need to go there three years later ? No fucking way.

Yea I dont have too much more to say.

I want to watch Rushmore and fall asleep now.

Speaking of Rushmore, I am totally geeked over The Royal Tenenbaums, who's coming with me to see it ??