
10.16.01-11:47 p.m.>

I decided the last time I was in the city that it was a great place to visit, but it makes me feel very small. I could never live there. ever. The air is too...open, and the streets are too crowded, and theres a different smell on every corner.

Theres something homey and familiar about the Ocean Parkways, and the smell of the bay. Theres something reassuring about houses close together and a 7-11 within walking distance. Freshcut Lawns and Aluminum Siding. Diner Food, and the Sunrise Mall. Yellow Schoolbuses, Minivans and Soccermoms with Cellphones, Waldbaums, and Town Pools.

Maybe all suburbs are just like this one..dressed up with a dairy queen instead of a Carvel, a Denny's instead of a Friendly's. Painted different colors.


Who is this lady on Subway Q+A,she is not Rich Collier, cute cute Rich Collier. He best be around when the commercials are over.


Mike Viola tomorrow.


gooodnight diary