
10.18.01-2:14 a.m.>

Like 12 billion, ok maybe 5 people have told me American Nightmare have a song called "I saved latin". Thats great...give them a cookie. That doesnt make them any less scary.

Mike Viola looks like a fisherman now.

He USED to be cute.

He did two beach boy covers, and teased with a Pixies Cover, but never came through. bitch.

He was still VERY VERY good.

Just scary looking.

It got cold out

Blustery even

The leaves are changing

The winter coat is back in commission

I am broke

The Fez is way too expensive

The Train Ride is way too expensive

and LONG very long.

So its becoming less and less worth it.

I wish Ben Folds would play Irving Plazzza. *sob*

Its past my bedtime