
10.19.01-1:40 a.m.>

Notes:images will probably soon be broken but I am lazy bear with me thanks -m

Ben Folds was on Kilborn tonight. I generally do not watch Kilborn because he is on up against Conan here, and there is simply no contest...UNTIL, Ben Folds decides to do Kilborn, then I have to watch.

Ben Folds is my super hero.He has my heart, I love him. I love his voice, and his soft southern accent, and his smile, I love him so. Not to mention there is NO ONE who looks better in corduroy.

But I think Chris Wylde and Craig Kilborn should frolic off to the island of misfit talk show hosts, where they can chill with Chevy Chase, Joan Rivers, Alan Thick, and so on. Its natures will boys. Its Nature's Will. Unless you dig frat humor and/or Maxim Models...in which case, whatever tickles your tail feathers my friends. Chris Wylde actually isnt as bad as Kilborn.

Oooh there was this girl on Subway Q+A and she was singing "Somewhere thats green". Have I confessed my undying love for "Little Shop of horrors" ? Well there it is. Suddenly Seymour, makes me weep !

Ooooh there was a cute actor guy with glasses too.


Bedtime now.

Sleeeep tomorrow.

Yay friday !