
10.28.01-8:36 p.m.>

Oh diary, wishes do come true.

Ben Folds will be at Irving Plaza 12/10, and I think I might drag my brother.

Diary, my aunt called and said she just bought me my 21st bday present.

She bought me tickets to RENT.

Do we all know how many times I've seen RENT ?

Yea. Ok.

So, thanks, great,yea.

Do we all know when my birthday is ?

Yea, its in March.

March 27th.

I think she's just really using this as an excuse for my cousin to go see it, because hes been wanting to see it.

Because she like bought me A ticket.

So like Happy Birthday Melissa, you get to go to Rent with your cousin Jason in November which is nowhere near your birthday,at all, but hey !

Im not gonna be like...oh please not dont give me presents.

Thats not my style, Im not an ungrateful girl.

But Im also not 16 anymore.



I mean...Im just confused.


Dear god, I think my entire family knows the whole score from Rent thanks to me and my CD player. I used to blast act two over and over and over. Im positive my mother knows all the words from "Seasons Of Love"

And Jeeeeesus, that one song..."Living in America at the end of the millllenium"


Ok, Thanks, Thanks, I think it'll be fun.

It will be, I'll make it fun.

Its the day before Spanksgiving, which means its a matinee, so,word, at least I'll be back earlier if the Lori is home and she wants to partake in the Loris Bday Harry Potter Fiesta Activities early like.

Vincent ImoldbutREALLLYHOT D'onofrio is on my TV now, this Law and Order sucks, but I must go watch in awe dland.

This layout is too pink.
