
10.29.01-7:16 p.m.>

Ryan Adams is not as good as I thought he'd be.

If anyone wants a copy of "Gold" and has something fun they wanna trade it for, let me know.

Note: I did say RYAN, not BRYAN

Earlier I got diet orange (what other kind is there ?) slice in my eye and it burned like a mofo.

I have a shiny red track jacket now.

It is shiny and red and cooler than your shiny red clothes.

TV sucks it hardcore lately.

I am bored.

Entertainment Tonight is on...

I dont really care what celebrities have to say about Sept 11th. I cant even BELIEVE they would devote TIME to this. People should form and embrace their own opinions and turn their TVs the fuck OFF. Turn the TV off, get away from the computer (maybe I should take my own advice) and breathe some fresh air, because its autumn and the leaves are crunchy, and THAT itself is reason enough to be doing something beautiful with your time.

John Travolta is "touched" by the work of the heroes at ground zero, and Brad Pitt is just "glad hes still around". Now you can all sleep soundly.