
11.02.01-11:27 a.m.>

I just remembered recently that we have a Tick Live Action Series to look forward to this season.

As an extremely large fan of the animated series, this is something I look forward to.

My sentiments are,

1-it will be really cool


2-it will really fucking blow

I know thats vague and annoyingly easy to write in a diary entry, but its true.

My problems with the live action show...

"Batmanuel" ?

What the fuck is that ? What happened to DeflaterMaus(I know I spelled that wrong)

and more importantly SEWER URCHIN

Sewer Urchin was the shit.

Calm Down Melissa, Calm it down.

So I was home on a thursday last night, which is rare, because I usually work thurs, but I gave new boy halloween off. So now he must give me election day off, so I can exercise my constitutional right.

Moving on,

I finally got to see Thursday TV

Friends, is annoying now

Survivor, at least they voted off the lady who I found to be annoying. But that Lindsey bitch got to go.

Will and Grace,is such an extremely smart show. Besides being casted well, the writing is just incredibly good. Or such is my opinion.

I missed the end of the yankee game.

This is the first time Im actually watching the games and caring who wins.

Im guessing they got their sweet asses kicked by that team I've never heard of AGAIN.

The score was 2-0, when I decided it would only be more painful for me to continue watching.

Pobre Yankees.

This Just IN, my dad just told me the yankees won, yay !

I wannna go see Monsters Inc !