
11.06.01-11:20 p.m.>

I didnt vote

I dont care

I missed the simpsons

Someone tell me about it because my brother is sleeping.

I missed Jack Black on Letterman last night, Im kinda anti shallow hal anywho. Moving on, Barenaked Ladies documentary of some sort was on Starz last night and I was completely transfixed for two reasons....

1-Steven Page doesnt TALK like he SINGS at ALLLLLLLL

2-They are funny funny guys

3-They are all so adorable

Im not a fangirl or anythings. I just think they're goodness. But as stated in the previous entry... SO HELP ME BOB, if I see another "I had a million dollars" NY State Lotto Commercial. I am going to break shit.

I am sick and tired, no seriously, I am sick and in addition to being sick I am tired.

I got an email today that I guess was a long time coming. Closure is good on so many levels but letting go hurts like hell. "Everybody know it hurts to grow up" You sing it Benjamin Scott Folds, you tell like it is.

So, I tried to make things work in my fucked up little way. I guess they didnt. Im sorry.

I just wish,

I could start all over again. unsay the things I said. maybe they felt good to say when they came out, but Im so self centered.

Maybe we all are.

Maybe Im telling myself this to make myself feel better.

I am good at that.

My throat hurts, I just want some chicken noo noo soup and a blankie and rushmore.

good night gracie.

m. mee