
11.14.01-11:24 p.m.>

Have we seen Beat the Geeks ?

Well Beat The Geeks is a game show centralizing around a group of so-called "geeks" who supposedly harbor more pop-culture knowledge than ME.

Obviously Comedy Central hasnt been notified of my existence,I MUST be on this game show for the following reasons....

1)These "geeks" are so beatable, especially that cocky movie geek, I wanna make him CRY

2)They give away a TIVO to the winner, and assload of DVD's and like blah blah more stuff, TIVO.

3)The music geek is really hot

4)I have unbelievable amounts of USELESS crap sitting idle in my brain. It can win me a TIVO, TIIIIIIVVVVVO

go tivo go.

In conclusion, if you are an executive at Comedy Central or a member of the staff at Beat the geeks,(which Im pretty sure you're not),please let me be on your gameshow.