
11.26.01-4:25 p.m.>

I hate that place, I hate it, I hate every scrap of paper ever written on in vain, every class ever sat through, every peice of concrete, every painted double yellow line on every road in every parking lot,every brand new car,every nassau county bus, every wide eyed,mindless naive stereotypical long island kid,smoking every cigarette,blabbling on every cellular phone,every wife beater,every pair of tight black pants, or baggy blue jeans,every overused ounce of styling product in the hair of every fucking one of them on their way to every small class,every dry erase blackboard,every ounce of motivation I could never muster, every word I could never manage to get out,every overwhelming feeling of inadequacy,I am better than that place, I am better than those people, I am smarter, I could BE something, wasting away on an unseasonably warm november afternoon, I COULD BE someone, I could be great, I am great, I am greatness, I could be your best friend, I could be reliable, I could be responsible,I could be motivated, I could be great, I am great. You'll see, these days will pass and things will fall into place as the colours turn from golds and browns to whites and greys,I will open my arms to changing seasons, and accept responsibilities,I hate that place, I fucking hate it, every second of every minute of every hour spent there, I hate it, I am better than it,I am better than them, I will be great,and you will see.

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