
12.06.01-12:55 a.m.>

sitemeter is really creepy when you see hits to your diary from strange IP addresses you just cant figure out.

For the most part, I have my regular visitors all figured out.

But when I see referrals from links from emails in hotmail...it REALLY drives me batty !!

Who is linking to my diary in an email ?

and for what ?


For the love of god WHY ????


This bothers me so muccccch, please explain.

And I still wanna know who's reading my diary from their cell phone.

Its not like Im trying to hide who I am here.

So you should have the decency to tell me you're reading my diary,if you know me in real life.

In other news....I have lost all of my patience for other people.

In more news, Liz hath brought a tear to my eye with her Rushmore, The Graduate entry....becaauuuuuuse, they are MY two favorite movies, annnnnnnd MY two favorite soundtracks. Just figured I'd share.


Where did all the quality go ?