
12.21.01-1:35 a.m.>

something is odd.

there should be thirty more dollars in my checking account.

Where did this magical thirty dollars go.

I even whipped out a calculator and examined my most current statements online.

This is pissing me off, because they SHORTED me 14 hrs in my paycheck and those 14 hrs were going to buy christmas presents for people I love and care for.

I have billlls to pay.

Shit yo, where is ALL MY MONEY ??

For reals, this is not fair.

14 hrs seems like more than a mild mixup.

And the 31.89 that is magically missing from my banking account..WHERE THE HELL IS IT AND WHY ISNT IT IN MY FUCKING ACCOUNT YOU COMMIE BASTARDS.

I am NOT happy.

This is me, not. happy.

hugs, please, now, thanks.