
12.22.01-10:49 p.m.>

Firstly, Happy 20th Birthday Nate. Blah Happy Blah you're old,join the club yay !


I really need to archive my entries, help Max with a new layout like I promised, but cant seem to motivate myself to actually do,(sorries max),clean my room and somehow devise a plan which involves me becoming RICH, I tell you RICH.

Have I mentioned in the past week I have lost my mind ?

You might compare me to a crazy old prospector.

Just ask Janea.

I shouldve saved our conversation. Kooky, Loopy, Crazy old me(e).

I saw a beautiful movie on IFC yesterday and saw it again, and again, and again. Now I must own it. Harold and Maude in case you were wondering. I cannot believe I havent seen this movie sooner.

Much like Andy outgrew Wheezy ala Toy Story 2,I feel my little cousins are outgrowing me. The actualities of this are kinda heartbreaking.

It's impossible for me to be out of touch,isn't it ?

I am incredibly relevant.

right ?

Am I to be left on a shelf to collect dust ?


Im getting old diary.

comments ? questions ?

someone say something