
12.26.01-5:04 p.m.>

So yea, last night I had this dream I was in manhattan on my way to school ( here's where we start with the making no sense)and I had to stop in JC Penney's to use the bathroom (making less and less sense) anyhow,so I spotted Ben Folds out of the corner of my eye, and heard about this big party somewhere in NJ. so decided I'd hop on the path train, which 1)looks nothing like it looked in my dream, where it was really just the LIRR with the words PATH on all the windows,which I found reallllllly amusing. By the by, is PATH, an acronym ?

Anyhow, on the train I wound up sitting next to the guy from Alien Ant Farm with the wacky hair, who is actually kind of hot, yes I said hoy. There. Ok, so we were talking talking talking, and he was actually really friendly and he told me how much loved Ben Folds Five, and how he was going to this big party Ben Folds was throwing at his friend Tom and Mary's House. I said, oh cool, I was trying to figure out where the party was, and he asked me if I wanted to accompany him, and of course I said yes. I told him how embarassed I felt over liking his band, and how I couldnt get that stupid movies song out of my head.

But he totally ditched me when we got to the party and I couldnt find my way back to the train and I woke with up ....."doooont worrrry about meeeee" ringing in my ears.

It was all really weird and horribly uninteresting I'm sure.

But I did have Janea illustrate my dream for kicks.

Isnt it scary how detailed my dreams are ?

Really, I wonder what that says about a person.

Ditched by a cute boy with stupid hair in a stupid band with a catchy single.