
12.29.01-11:18 p.m.>

to my readers who I love and care for:

I am about to make a plea. Believe Melissa when she says it is for your own good. I promise.



eeeep,me and the lorinator were supposed to see Royal Tenenbaums and we got there like 40 minutes early and it SOLD THE FUCK OUT like two minutes before we made it to the counter (I LOATHE THEE NATIONAL AMUSEMENTS). What's up with that ?

Im convinced that god did this to punish me for something. I havent quite figured out what yet, but when I do, I'll let you know.


Cameron Crowe is considering Vanilla Sky"his cover" of a film called Abre Los Ojosin which Penelope"mylipsweighmorethanme"Cruz plays the same part as she does in the Crowe Film.

Moving on, I dont know WHAT kind of Medication Cameron Crowe is on,or just how much radiohead he's been listening to, but this movie was just fucked up. I think it tried to do too many things at once. It couldve been good,it didnt even try to be good though.It was horrible by every explicable measure. It was painful to watch. Poorly Scripted and acted, and just barely interesting.

In short, or long, you decide, HA...

-if you are a fan of the work of Cameron Crowe do yourself a favor and DONT see this movie.

-if you're trying to decide what movie to see and you're thinking "That Melissa is nuts, Im going to see Vanilla Sky", dont say I didnt warn you, because I did.

Jason Lee is hot, and the beach boys are great, but neither of them belonged in this movie.

Please Heed My Warning !

