
01.29.02-12:14 a.m.>

Yesterday I made purchase of the powerpuff girls "Meet the Beat Alls" DVD. Why ?

Meet the Beat Alls, is my all time favorite episode of the PPG ever.


It was el cheapo.


I have a weakness for the powerpuff girls, they are just...so damn cute.

Anyhow, I sat on my bed last night post Sex and The City, painted my toenails silver and sparkly and watched the powerpuff girls and felt extremely feminine for like the first time in a while.

See, I have this thing against overly girlie behavior. So I just kinda save it all up and spend it in spurts.

Im odd like that I guess.

I also realized yesterday that I have one extreme weakness.

Bonne Bell Lip Smackers.

I can't not buy them.


if they are pink and/or sparkly/frosty.

Its an addiction really.

and when you open up my rugrats (yes, rugrats) Jewelry Box and see the mound of lip products inside its sad to think about how much money has been spent.

Its been unseasonably warm here in NY, I guess this means the world is ending...or we're going to get HIT with some asssy type snow sometime soon. I'd take the asstastic snow over certain death, I dont know about you folks though.

I agree with andraI firmly believe Jeff Magnum writes some of the most sexually suggestive lyrics I've ever heard. I cant STOP listening to "In the aeroplane over the sea". Keep in mind I bought the CD in November. Its coming up on February and it hasnt moved from my 5 CD rotation.

This has been my random stringing of thoughts for today...