
02.27.02-11:07 p.m.>

So you know that Orange Clean stuff on TV ? Yea, my mom found the whole kit in some schlocky dollar store today and now my whole house smells like oranges and now I'm all nauseous from noxious gas fumes.

ugh squared.

I didnt watch any of Ed tonight because I was babysitting as I do on my nights off from work, and my cousin Nick has two big ass tests tomorrow and he knew little to NONE of the material.

Now if he does poorly I will totally blame myself.

ugh cubed even.

I had a dream about Barenaked Ladies having to live in my room due to a bus accident today, while I napped on the couch. It made Ed very very bitter in a "Why god why ?, shaking of angry fists" kinda way. It was way trippy. Like really trippy. And then it got all Ann Frankish in the sense that I was like harboring them,and a big angry mob complete with torches knocked on my door and was like


to which I replied


I'm blaming this one on Genaand my super secret crush on Steven Page.

I saw Dashboard on MTV TWICE TODAY.

*smacks forehead*

Soon the planets shall align, and the mall punk uprising shall begin.

Prepare yourselves.