
03.16.02-9:10 p.m.>

Sometimes I wonder why life, (especially this one ) has this ability to throw you a curveball.

and you duck,because obviously you were not expecting said curveball and when you stand up nothing is familiar.

As poor an analogy as it may be, its the only one I can make.

So much can change for so many reasons inside a hand full of days and you're left broken on your knees. When you've finally wiped your hands cleans of the shitstorm of emotional messiness, you're alone, and you realize....

just that...

you. are. alone.

(and by you I mean me)

and you wonder what got you here

examining step by step, day by day, every last event and conversation that has taken place.

Is it you ?

Why does it hurt so much ?


Does it hurt so much to care about someone sometimes?

Why do we do this to ourselves ?

Why do I do this to myself ?

Thats the better question.

This week...has been so up, and so down.

I missed the death cab/d plan show last night, and Mike Viola and Melissa just doesnt wanna talk about what took place.

It's funny how we put our hearts in certain places.