
03.17.02-7:57 p.m.>

What with a scant 10 days till my 21st birthday, and it being St. Patrick's day, and me being 50% Irish, what better time for my rant on alcohol ??

I do not like to drink

I do not like the idea of drinking,

or drinking for the sole purpose of becoming intoxicated.

I do not enjoy the taste of alcohol,

I do not enjoy the behavior of those who are intoxicated.

I...do not...drink.

People have been saying things to me as of late that really offend me.

Things like "You'll drink on occassion, just you wait, you'll drink"

or like my aunt said "who the hell do you think you are, of course you'll drink !"

What the shit ?

What the fuck is that about ??

I am making it abundantly clear now...for the record, that I will not,because Im not curious, and I have no desire.

Why is that so weird ?


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