
03.20.02-9:22 p.m.>

Today was hands down the coldest crappiest day of this pseudowinter we've been experiencing.

...and where was our brave protagonist in the midst of rainy rainy rain, and blusteryness ?


Lori B and I went to the city today for a taping of the Daily show, which was fun, but poorly organized and just NOT as much fun as Conan.

We went to lunch at this place called Peanut Butter and Co., which specializes in well, peanut butter sandwiches obviously.

Best peanut butter/honey/banana sandwich one could EVER imagine,but it was pricey pricey,so no great shakes in the end.

Then we headed back uptown cringing at how soaked we were,desperately trying to find the subway,and wound up waiting in line for about an hour.

I was all worried we wouldnt get good seats, but since the audience at the daily show only consists of 100 people, there really are NO bad seats.

Since today is wednesday there was obviously "Back in Black", and I cant even begin to tell you how giddy I was when Lewis Black came out during the warm up.

Since the show is only 30 minutes long, the taping happens ALOT faster than Conan,(which is all I really have to compare it to), but theres a bit less waiting around.

All in all, an enjoyable day spent in some crappy weather, Im all tuckered out now, pardon me while I collapse on my favorite chair and watch me some law and/or order