
03.27.02-11:20 a.m.>

What I want for my birthday.....

No more cakes. ever.

No more singing. ever.

No more money tucked inside cards, payoff style. It's so dirty really, save the money for graduations and/or bar/bat mitzvahs/weddings


I think we should popularize the idea of a birthday PIE, accompanied by one single Birthday PAT on the back,and a rousing collective proclamation of "WAY TO BE ALIVE FOR ANOTHER YEAR" at which point Designated Birthday Person (or DBP for short) will make with the opening of birthday suprises.

Can I stress the no singing here people ???

I really...could go without people ever singing Happy Birthday to me, ever again.

Melissa just doesnt enjoy being the center of attention, ever.

In conclusion I think the embarassment factor of the American Birthday Celebration really needs to be toned down a few notches.

And the "How old are you now ?", bit ??

Needs to go straight down el crapperino.

My day...

Was pretty good.

I got flowers, which was a nice suprise (even though for reference I really dislike suprises).

Considering I've never gotten flowers for ANYTHING ever, ever before for any reason, since like my dad bought me that Corsage for like my Nursery School Graduation.

I got a bunch of other fun stuff too, DVD's, a New Discman, Some Bonne Belle Lip Smackers (my weaknesss), and a copy of Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men..."

I'm getting old...and today my mom started talking about GRANDCHILDREN.

Yea..that is totally not happening for at least another ten years unless god calls upon me to carry the second coming of Jeebus or something.

Tonight was also the first night of Passover, I made some signature kickass Matzoh Ball Soup (go me). So Happy Holidays to my Jewish Readers ( even though I dont think there ARE ANY.)

Which brings me of course to my grandmother.

I miss my Nana today.

I miss her voice and her tiny hands, and her birthday cards and how we shared a room when she came to visit.

I feel really old today, really old...

and quite frankly, I dont like it...


:::the end::::