
05.08.02-12:12 a.m.>


lsavedlatin: agggh !

lsavedlatin: what happened ?

lsavedlatin: details

rawrvelous: it was crazzzzyyyyy

lsavedlatin: hahaha

rawrvelous: okay

lsavedlatin: explaaaain

rawrvelous: i think we were in new york

rawrvelous: cause

rawrvelous: there was dirt everywhere

rawrvelous: or maybe it was la

lsavedlatin: HAHAHA

lsavedlatin: because new york is just full of dirt

rawrvelous: hahah

lsavedlatin: new dirt city

rawrvelous: anyway we were in this weird alice in wonderland type place

lsavedlatin: trippy

lsavedlatin: and...

rawrvelous: and we were on this quest to find a peice of pink scrap metal to take back to michael jackson who was on the moon

rawrvelous: and to get the metal

lsavedlatin: HAHAHAHA

lsavedlatin: HA

lsavedlatin: HA

lsavedlatin: OMG

rawrvelous: we had to find like a hundred of these mini stuffed rafiki toys which we would trade in for new york currency which we would use to get the metal

rawrvelous: so anyway we finally get it

rawrvelous: and its this big peice of metal that looks like a fish, and we're supposed to drive the thing to the moon to deliver it

rawrvelous: but we were like wtf, if we leave it, how are we gonna get back home with no means of transportation

lsavedlatin: HAHAHA

rawrvelous: so then this little midget guy gave us a 62 thunderbird for ten cents for us to get back home

rawrvelous: and on the way home

rawrvelous: we crashed

lsavedlatin: oh. my. god.

rawrvelous: and we were just floating and drowning in this sea of space crap

rawrvelous: and that was it

rawrvelous: hahahahahaha

rawrvelous: i woke up and i was like OMG

lsavedlatin: HAHAHAHA

lsavedlatin: shit ness

lsavedlatin: that's CRAZY

rawrvelous: hahahah

lsavedlatin: best. dream. ever


....and I thought my dreams were crazy.