
07.06.02-12:08 a.m.>

Dear Green Flies at the Beach,

I dont know whats up guys, maybe my blood is sweet, or because my skin was so white you guys thought it'd be a cool place to land and start feasting...

but enough guys, Im not down with that.

ok ?



Dear Coppertone,

I made purchase of your SPF 30 Sport 6 hour, Sweatproof,Waterproof,Slip Grip Bottle today at my local CVS. I also ventured towards the ocean beaches for a period of time, that was not quite near to six hours. After certain ample application of your product, I frolicked upon the sand, and dove into various waves...and returned home to my suburban domicile, with yes SUNBURN, on my arms, legs, feet, hands,chest, and scalp(which I cant really hold you responsible for but nevertheless SCALLLLP), my ouchiness is causing me to question the effectivity of your product and the reputation of your Company Name.

Consider me one dissappointed so and so,who would probably come after you,but cannot move herself without crying out due to the ouchfactor of her redness.



Dear Certain Family Members,

Try not to drink so much on holidays.

Especially in front of your kids.

Look how fucked up it made me !

In short...try some ice water, or perhaps some lemonade.



Dear Diaryland,

I love you so.

I always will !

I may not update all that frequently.

But know that I am doing well,

and more importantly, my mother is too.

