
07.10.02-9:09 p.m.>

The Purchase of The Royal Tenenbaums DVD

A play in one act

Our Protagonist, one Melissa, enters a local video rental chain hoping to make purchase of the aforementioned DVD. She wanders aimlessly for a few moments before being asked if she needs help by a seemingly intelligent,polite,employee of said video rental chain.

Boy:Can I help you find something ?

M: Yea, actually, Im looking for The Royal Tenenbaums..but not to rent, to buy.

Boy:ooh we have that behiiiind the counter not out here Have you seen the movie ?

M:Yea, actually.

Boy:....and you liked it ???? I thought it was kinda retarded, and Gwyneth looked so haggy. Well I guess its your 25 dollars right ? At least its not my money.

M:Well...your selling tactic is unusual I'll admit, but consider me sold.

Sometimes the sheer stupidity of people is amazing.