
07.12.02-1:59 a.m.>


forreals diaryland.

I dont even know where to start.

Let it start with the bumbliest stutteriest guy I have ever seen coming into work, and asking me a million questions, and just standing there, and not getting anything, and just asking me questions and stuttering and kind of staring and being overly polite.

I couldnt decide if it was really cute...

or borderline scary/creepy...

I dont know diaryland.

Moving onto my voicemail hangup.

I hate that shit.

Weird, nobody ever really calls me on my cell, who's gonna call and hangup ?


I come home, and my bed is unmade and my window is closed.


I sign onto AIM and talk to a million and one people who I havent talked to in a million and one years.

Lets not,not talk,you guys, k ?

Then I have the longest conversation ever with Ness Which details my entire lifestory from 17 to 21.

and here I am, and I have butterflies the size of dragonflies the size of godknowswhat in my stomach, and I can hear the train rolling into the station,it rumbles my whole house at night when its quiet, and Im still in my work clothes, and Im peely itchy from my sunburn, and I need sleep, sleep would be fantastic, but instead Im sitting here barefoot, trying to remember what it is that Im forgetting, and why it is Im so bothered by something.

I cant quite put my finger on it, but I feel like Im another planet all of a sudden....

and Its the weirdest,damnedest thing.

Recurring dreams here I come.