
09.19.02-11:12 p.m.>

As a child I had frequent nightmares about the end of the world, and nuclear war, and death and dying.

Like ALL the damn time.

Seriously it was my largest obsessive fear from the age of 9 through to present day.

Then, about 4-5 months ago, I saw Donnie Darko, and became OBSESSED with it as well,mainly because it tapped into all the fears that kept me sleepless as a child and leave me breathless in my older age.

So the recurring dreams about me and the giant bunny begin,night after night, after night, of me being donnie in my dreams, and after having watched the HELL out of the DVD, I decide that I can no longer watch Donnie Darko, because my subconscious is turning me into him.

So I stop watching the movie, been about two weeks, and the dreams stopped completely, until last night....

and Im beginning to become extremely bothered by this now.

What is this about,what does it mean ?

Why is my brain doing this to me ?

WHY am I so obsessed with that character ?

What is it that we (I) relate to when we (I) relate to Donnie Darko ?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Theres not too much more I can say here without giving anything about the film away.

I will say that if you havent seen the movie, you should.

