
10.08.02-12:28 p.m.>

I have to wonder why things in my life are continually shitty.

I havent gotten my benefits package from new job yet in the mail.

This isnt exactly shitty but is bugging me,because I need it to buy vacation days, and I want to buy vacation days so I can plan my vacation to Vegas,and book my flight and whatnot.

But yea, my day is not exactly going the way I want it to.

Everything I touch turns to shit, its true.Im beginning to wonder if god is punishing me for being selfish and hurtful toward other people.

However, Im drowning my miseries in binge shopping (mmmm bright red dickie's corduroys) some chocolate milk and perhaps repeated viewings of donnie darko.

Today is my brothers birthday, perhaps I should mention this.

Happy 19th Birthday J.D.M., we all miss you so much.

Or at the very least I do,enough for all 3 of us.

Its true.