
10.16.02-10:14 p.m.>


The Promise Ring broke up

This saddens me, but I didnt like the new album anyways.

I remember the first time I heard "A picture postcard", and I remember the butterflies that song induced.

I remember lying on my back in my bed at night falling asleep to "Things just getting good"

I realized that my taste in music is not so much taste,but thirst.

A search really, for that perfect song, with the hook that just wont go away, and a chorus that sticks like glue.

People gave The Promise Ring shit because Davey couldnt sing, and well, their songs werent exactly complicated.

But it was the simplicity of it that I loved.

You take a song like "Red and Blue Jeans", its completely loveable.

Anyhow,life goes on, and the beat goes on and so forth.

I'm left empty these trying to find something new that will hit me like a truck, but nothing seems to do it for me lately.

Everything old is new again.

Im tired, and harder to please in my old age.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

I got my copy of the new Dave Eggers book in the mail today. It nearly made me cry. The rockingest thing about the book is that the first page...

is the cover !

I'll take a picture when I get a chance.

I feel special because its first edition.

I dont own first edition anything.

Im special.

Ok, I have to go watch the last half hour of the west wing now. Tivo is my new pet. I swear Im taping doggie ears to it buying a leash for it and taking it to the park.

woof !