
02.24.03-7:39 p.m.>

The Obsession with Paul Frank Fossil Watches continues. I am now the proud owner of two...

god bless ebay.


Things have been ok on the Melissa front. A little lonely. My birthday is rapidly approaching, and Im wondering if theres even anyone who wants to do anything with me on the Thursday thats my birthday, that is March 27th if you're wondering.

Let me know !

Blah, I hate my birthday.

I hate growing up.

No, I dont really.

I just hate change, its icky, and Im fragile !

Seriously !

But theres alot that I want to happen before the year is over. Big things, big changes. I once made a whole list one or two of those things could get crossed out some time soon I hope. But blah !

So much to do, such little time.

The passage of time is so utterly depressing.

I wish I wasnt the kind of person who feels every minute between 59 and 60 seconds slip itself away.
